Whenever you see yourself in a mirror, how do you feel? If you are like most people you probably feel a bit despondent. You aren't totally happy with your body and in fact, sometimes you actually despise the way you look. Perhaps you've tried dieting before and even exercise to change the way you look and even if you started noticing slight changes, eventually your body seems to return to its original shape. It seems that no matter what you try nothing seems to work.
The good news is there is an answer! There are some fundamental strategies that will work if you're willing to use them. Plus, these strategies are simple. They don't require an extraordinary amount of time or effort. All they require is a commitment to use them consistently.
In this article, we'll cover the most effective strategies to help you flatten your stomach, lose the ‘spare tire' around your waist, and create a mid-section you can be proud of. You will be able to achieve all of this in as little as 4 weeks!
Right now, whilst you are reading this article, pinch the skin next to your navel. Take a horizontal fold of skin with your thumb and index finger. Look at it and estimate how thick the skinfold is. If it is more than 2 centimetres then it's time to start taking immediate action!
The first step is to start making changes to your eating and drinking habits. One of the biggest complaints I hear from personal trainers these days is that their clients' eating and drinking habits are the only things stopping them from getting the results they want.
The first area you should look at is your alcohol intake. Sure, we all know that a glass of red wine every night is good for our health. Notice they say a glass and not a bottle! However, if you want to lose your belly then you have to be willing to make some sacrifices, at least for the next 4 weeks anyway.
There's no need to cut out the alcohol altogether but you will need to cut it down substantially if you drink regularly. Perhaps allow yourself to have only 4 standard drinks a week. If you are a regular drinker then this one step will make a massive difference to the way you look. If you're not, then it won't make much difference at all.
Let's face it, alcohol is a poison to the body and whenever it is consumed the body metabolises it before anything else. Even though alcohol doesn't get converted into body fat itself (it mainly generates heat), if you eat anything with it, the food will tend to be stored in the body. Plus, the alcohol provides quite a lot of empty calories to your body, which makes it difficult to create a calorie deficit and lose weight/ fat.
Since we all tend to be so busy these days, we want everything to be quick and easy; food probably tops the list. That is why fast food outlets are so popular. Unfortunately though, convenience comes at a price, and that price is our waistlines and our health. Regular consumption of fast food will cause you to put on weight faster than almost anything else. If you are serious about flattening your stomach and losing the ‘love handles' then don't eat any fast food for the next 4 weeks.
If you want a flat stomach then it is important that you eat as ‘cleanly' as possible for the next 4 weeks and don't skip any meals. This means having 5 or 6 small, healthy meals every day! Here's an example of what you should have:
When you're busy or tired it is easier to get take away but rest assured if you make the effort and commitment to prepare your meals every day you will be amazed at the results you will achieve. Not only will your results be a flat stomach and better health but you will also feel a dramatic increase in your energy levels. Your body will start functioning closer to optimum levels. It is definitely worth the effort.
Plus, make sure you have all of your meals, don't skip any of them. Skipping meals is one of the first strategies many people employ when they want to lose weight. Whilst reducing food intake will assist fat loss / weight loss, skipping meals is not the best way to achieve this. The human body has many contingency plans to overcome this strategy. It will reduce its output of thyroid hormones, which slows down the metabolism, it increases the production of cortisol, which breaks down muscle and slows the metabolism even further. The human body also increases appetite, which leads to over-eating and it also increases the activity of fat-storing enzymes so it tends to store more food as body fat, which will prevent future ‘famines'.
If you decide to follow the nutritional plan outlined above or something similar, you will be eating much healthier. Despite this, it is impossible to get all the nutrients your body requires just from food. Accordingly, it is necessary to take supplements. Supplements are not magic but they will speed up the fat-burning process in your body as well as improve your overall health and well-being. Only a few supplements are needed to help flatten your stomach in 4 weeks.
A good quality multivitamin/ mineral supplement, like MultiBoost, is a great place to start. MultiBoost is known as the dieter's multi because not only does it provide nutrients that may be lacking in the diet but it also provides specific nutrients that up-regulate thyroid function. These nutrients (iodine and selenium) are absolutely essential for dieters because if someone follows a calorie controlled nutritional plan (as they should if they want to lose weight and flatten their stomach), over time their metabolism will slow down due to down-regulation of thyroid function. Supplementing with iodine and selenium whilst dieting prevents this metabolic slow down.
Omega-3's from fish oil or flax seed oil are also beneficial. Research has shown that omega-3's can assist fat burning in the body as well as provide many other health benefits. Take 4-6 fish oil capsules a day or a measured tablespoon of flax seed oil.
Often people find it difficult to have 5 or 6 small meals each day to assist their weight-loss efforts. In this case, protein shakes, also known as meal replacement shakes, are a great option. They are certainly not essential but because most people are so busy they are great to have for the mid-morning and mid-afternoon meals; they are quick, easy convenient and cheap. Shakes should NOT replace whole-food meals in the diet (breakfast, lunch and dinner).
If you are serious about getting a flat stomach in 4 weeks you really need to consider all possible options. Thermogenics (fat burners), like XLR8 Thermogenic, are definitely beneficial. They speed up your metabolism, give you an energy boost, and force your fat cells to release fatty acids into the blood stream, which then may be used by your body as fuel. They can certainly help you get a flat stomach fast. Thermogenics aren't for everyone though. If you have high blood pressure, take blood pressure medication or are pregnant or nursing then you will need to use a non-thermogenic fat burner, like SoLean 50+, instead.
One reason why many people find it difficult to lose weight is due to their body's inability to control its blood sugar (glucose) level. A high blood glucose causes the body to secrete insulin and insulin has the effect of storing glucose as fat if the carbohydrate stores in the body are full. Insulin also stops the body from mobilising and utilising fat as a fuel source. Insulin stops fat burning in its tracks!
GI Factor has been specifically designed to help keep insulin low by stabilising the blood sugar level. This results in greater fat burning in the body. It is best taken with the two largest meals and for most people this is lunch and dinner. Since they assist in keeping the blood sugar stable they will also help keep sugar cravings at bay during the ‘danger times', which are around mid-afternoon and after dinner.
MultiSlim by BCN provides MultiBoost, XLR8 Thermogenic and GI Factor together in one pack. It is the ultimate weight-loss system and will help you lose weight and get a flat stomach faster than anything else on the market. If you are serious about getting the best possible results then this is your best option. The pack also offer free support to ensure you achieve your weight-loss goal as well as an information booklet that explains everything you need to do to get amazing results.
For any weight-loss system to be truly effective, exercise must be a component. Ideally it is best to perform both aerobic exercise and weight training but as long as some exercise is performed that is fine.
To get a flat stomach in 4 weeks you need to perform at least 30 minutes of aerobic exercise every day. Remember, it is only 4 weeks so you have to be willing to commit to doing whatever is necessary to get the results you want. Once you achieve a flat stomach then you can reduce your frequency of aerobic exercise to 3 times a week.
The type of exercise you perform is completely up to you. Select the type of exercise you enjoy doing and can see yourself doing long term. It may be taking the dog for a walk, cycling on a stationary bike at home in front of the TV, or performing a kickboxing session with your personal trainer. The most important thing is that you enjoy the exercise.
The aerobic exercise will help you burn fat during the session, especially if you've taken a thermogenic prior to it. This exercise and thermogenic combination will also dramatically boost your metabolism and keep it elevated for some time after the session is completed. As a result, it is best not to have a meal for at least 20 minutes after the session is completed. This will promote even more fat burning in your body.
If possible, perform ‘interval training' for absolute maximum fat burning from the session. This involves interspersing sprints with moderate intensity exercise. However, if this doesn't suit you then don't worry. The most important thing is that you perform the aerobic exercise consistently!
The weight training component is ideal for achieving the highly desired ‘toned' look to your body. Whilst it is best to perform weight training exercises for every muscle group, in this article we are focusing only on the abdominal region to help you achieve a flat stomach.
A very important point is that performing abdominal exercises will NOT directly burn the fat from your stomach! It is impossible to ‘spot reduce'. However, performing a variety of abdominal exercises will help to make the muscles stronger, which will improve your core strength and help you flatten the protruding, flaccid muscles that may be hanging over your belt!
Here are the 7 abdominal training principles:
1. Train all the abdominal muscles
2. Apply the abdominal training principles
3. Do not perform more than 20 reps per set
4. Train to failure on every set
5. Progressively overload the muscles
6. Don't train abs more than twice a week
7. Perform 2-3 giant sets of 5 exercises each workout
If you would like to find out what abdominal exercises to perform, simply email: and we will send you the complete ‘Tone at Home' exercise that include the abdominal exercises to help you achieve a flat stomach in 4 weeks.
So there you have it, the best strategies to help you get a flat stomach in 4 weeks. If you are seriously committed to achieving a flat stomach, use all of the strategies suggested here and within a month you can have a mid-section that any Hollywood star would be proud of. Go for it!
The good news is there is an answer! There are some fundamental strategies that will work if you're willing to use them. Plus, these strategies are simple. They don't require an extraordinary amount of time or effort. All they require is a commitment to use them consistently.
In this article, we'll cover the most effective strategies to help you flatten your stomach, lose the ‘spare tire' around your waist, and create a mid-section you can be proud of. You will be able to achieve all of this in as little as 4 weeks!
Right now, whilst you are reading this article, pinch the skin next to your navel. Take a horizontal fold of skin with your thumb and index finger. Look at it and estimate how thick the skinfold is. If it is more than 2 centimetres then it's time to start taking immediate action!
The first step is to start making changes to your eating and drinking habits. One of the biggest complaints I hear from personal trainers these days is that their clients' eating and drinking habits are the only things stopping them from getting the results they want.
The first area you should look at is your alcohol intake. Sure, we all know that a glass of red wine every night is good for our health. Notice they say a glass and not a bottle! However, if you want to lose your belly then you have to be willing to make some sacrifices, at least for the next 4 weeks anyway.
There's no need to cut out the alcohol altogether but you will need to cut it down substantially if you drink regularly. Perhaps allow yourself to have only 4 standard drinks a week. If you are a regular drinker then this one step will make a massive difference to the way you look. If you're not, then it won't make much difference at all.
Let's face it, alcohol is a poison to the body and whenever it is consumed the body metabolises it before anything else. Even though alcohol doesn't get converted into body fat itself (it mainly generates heat), if you eat anything with it, the food will tend to be stored in the body. Plus, the alcohol provides quite a lot of empty calories to your body, which makes it difficult to create a calorie deficit and lose weight/ fat.
Since we all tend to be so busy these days, we want everything to be quick and easy; food probably tops the list. That is why fast food outlets are so popular. Unfortunately though, convenience comes at a price, and that price is our waistlines and our health. Regular consumption of fast food will cause you to put on weight faster than almost anything else. If you are serious about flattening your stomach and losing the ‘love handles' then don't eat any fast food for the next 4 weeks.
If you want a flat stomach then it is important that you eat as ‘cleanly' as possible for the next 4 weeks and don't skip any meals. This means having 5 or 6 small, healthy meals every day! Here's an example of what you should have:
When you're busy or tired it is easier to get take away but rest assured if you make the effort and commitment to prepare your meals every day you will be amazed at the results you will achieve. Not only will your results be a flat stomach and better health but you will also feel a dramatic increase in your energy levels. Your body will start functioning closer to optimum levels. It is definitely worth the effort.
Plus, make sure you have all of your meals, don't skip any of them. Skipping meals is one of the first strategies many people employ when they want to lose weight. Whilst reducing food intake will assist fat loss / weight loss, skipping meals is not the best way to achieve this. The human body has many contingency plans to overcome this strategy. It will reduce its output of thyroid hormones, which slows down the metabolism, it increases the production of cortisol, which breaks down muscle and slows the metabolism even further. The human body also increases appetite, which leads to over-eating and it also increases the activity of fat-storing enzymes so it tends to store more food as body fat, which will prevent future ‘famines'.
If you decide to follow the nutritional plan outlined above or something similar, you will be eating much healthier. Despite this, it is impossible to get all the nutrients your body requires just from food. Accordingly, it is necessary to take supplements. Supplements are not magic but they will speed up the fat-burning process in your body as well as improve your overall health and well-being. Only a few supplements are needed to help flatten your stomach in 4 weeks.
A good quality multivitamin/ mineral supplement, like MultiBoost, is a great place to start. MultiBoost is known as the dieter's multi because not only does it provide nutrients that may be lacking in the diet but it also provides specific nutrients that up-regulate thyroid function. These nutrients (iodine and selenium) are absolutely essential for dieters because if someone follows a calorie controlled nutritional plan (as they should if they want to lose weight and flatten their stomach), over time their metabolism will slow down due to down-regulation of thyroid function. Supplementing with iodine and selenium whilst dieting prevents this metabolic slow down.
Omega-3's from fish oil or flax seed oil are also beneficial. Research has shown that omega-3's can assist fat burning in the body as well as provide many other health benefits. Take 4-6 fish oil capsules a day or a measured tablespoon of flax seed oil.
Often people find it difficult to have 5 or 6 small meals each day to assist their weight-loss efforts. In this case, protein shakes, also known as meal replacement shakes, are a great option. They are certainly not essential but because most people are so busy they are great to have for the mid-morning and mid-afternoon meals; they are quick, easy convenient and cheap. Shakes should NOT replace whole-food meals in the diet (breakfast, lunch and dinner).
If you are serious about getting a flat stomach in 4 weeks you really need to consider all possible options. Thermogenics (fat burners), like XLR8 Thermogenic, are definitely beneficial. They speed up your metabolism, give you an energy boost, and force your fat cells to release fatty acids into the blood stream, which then may be used by your body as fuel. They can certainly help you get a flat stomach fast. Thermogenics aren't for everyone though. If you have high blood pressure, take blood pressure medication or are pregnant or nursing then you will need to use a non-thermogenic fat burner, like SoLean 50+, instead.
One reason why many people find it difficult to lose weight is due to their body's inability to control its blood sugar (glucose) level. A high blood glucose causes the body to secrete insulin and insulin has the effect of storing glucose as fat if the carbohydrate stores in the body are full. Insulin also stops the body from mobilising and utilising fat as a fuel source. Insulin stops fat burning in its tracks!
GI Factor has been specifically designed to help keep insulin low by stabilising the blood sugar level. This results in greater fat burning in the body. It is best taken with the two largest meals and for most people this is lunch and dinner. Since they assist in keeping the blood sugar stable they will also help keep sugar cravings at bay during the ‘danger times', which are around mid-afternoon and after dinner.
MultiSlim by BCN provides MultiBoost, XLR8 Thermogenic and GI Factor together in one pack. It is the ultimate weight-loss system and will help you lose weight and get a flat stomach faster than anything else on the market. If you are serious about getting the best possible results then this is your best option. The pack also offer free support to ensure you achieve your weight-loss goal as well as an information booklet that explains everything you need to do to get amazing results.
For any weight-loss system to be truly effective, exercise must be a component. Ideally it is best to perform both aerobic exercise and weight training but as long as some exercise is performed that is fine.
To get a flat stomach in 4 weeks you need to perform at least 30 minutes of aerobic exercise every day. Remember, it is only 4 weeks so you have to be willing to commit to doing whatever is necessary to get the results you want. Once you achieve a flat stomach then you can reduce your frequency of aerobic exercise to 3 times a week.
The type of exercise you perform is completely up to you. Select the type of exercise you enjoy doing and can see yourself doing long term. It may be taking the dog for a walk, cycling on a stationary bike at home in front of the TV, or performing a kickboxing session with your personal trainer. The most important thing is that you enjoy the exercise.
The aerobic exercise will help you burn fat during the session, especially if you've taken a thermogenic prior to it. This exercise and thermogenic combination will also dramatically boost your metabolism and keep it elevated for some time after the session is completed. As a result, it is best not to have a meal for at least 20 minutes after the session is completed. This will promote even more fat burning in your body.
If possible, perform ‘interval training' for absolute maximum fat burning from the session. This involves interspersing sprints with moderate intensity exercise. However, if this doesn't suit you then don't worry. The most important thing is that you perform the aerobic exercise consistently!
The weight training component is ideal for achieving the highly desired ‘toned' look to your body. Whilst it is best to perform weight training exercises for every muscle group, in this article we are focusing only on the abdominal region to help you achieve a flat stomach.
A very important point is that performing abdominal exercises will NOT directly burn the fat from your stomach! It is impossible to ‘spot reduce'. However, performing a variety of abdominal exercises will help to make the muscles stronger, which will improve your core strength and help you flatten the protruding, flaccid muscles that may be hanging over your belt!
Here are the 7 abdominal training principles:
1. Train all the abdominal muscles
2. Apply the abdominal training principles
3. Do not perform more than 20 reps per set
4. Train to failure on every set
5. Progressively overload the muscles
6. Don't train abs more than twice a week
7. Perform 2-3 giant sets of 5 exercises each workout
If you would like to find out what abdominal exercises to perform, simply email: and we will send you the complete ‘Tone at Home' exercise that include the abdominal exercises to help you achieve a flat stomach in 4 weeks.
So there you have it, the best strategies to help you get a flat stomach in 4 weeks. If you are seriously committed to achieving a flat stomach, use all of the strategies suggested here and within a month you can have a mid-section that any Hollywood star would be proud of. Go for it!
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