Many weight loss systems these days run
their advertisement campaigns around the promise of very fast and noticeable
results, and what’s worse, many of these systems’ creators don’t seem to have a
clue as to how much they are going to end up hurting most of their clients.
While the concept of rapid weight loss is certainly something that can be
achieved, there is a flips side to the coin in this case, and it’s one really
worth discussing.
It’s Hard to Maintain the Pace
If some kind of weight loss system promises
results which exceed a loss of one to two (sometimes
three) pounds per week,
then chances are that it requires you to make some extraordinary efforts to
achieve them. You will be going through grueling exercise routines while
probably eating very little… long story short, your chances of going through
with it to the end won’t exactly be something to write home about.
However, for the sake of the argument,
let’s pretend that you can go through with it, and that you have actually lost
the weight you were looking to shed… what happens now? Surely, you cannot keep
following the system lest you want to destroy your body completely. Unfortunately,
at that point said system and the way of living you maintained before giving it
a shot are the only paths you know of. In the end, once you will have attained
your goal, you will go back to your hold habits and gain the weight back all
over again.
Are You Actually Losing Fat?
Even though we use weight as an indicator
of how healthy we are, the truth is that it is not so much the weight that
matters, but the ratio of fat versus the rest of what you have in your body. In
other words, your goal should be to only reduce your fat levels, and nothing
else. If a system gives you the promise of rapid weight loss, then it is very
possible that on top of losing fat you are also going to be losing muscle,
water and lean tissue, creating the illusion of progress.
How Fast Weight Loss Can be Made Safe and
While it is true that what was written up
until now made rapid weight loss sound like some kind of horror story, the
truth is that it can be achieved in a safe and healthy way, but only if handled
properly. For instance, there are some dieting programs out there which make
their users go through different phases, with the first one consisting of
jump-starting the program, allowing their users to lose up to ten pounds in the
first two weeks. However, after that the pace gradually slows down to achieve a
natural rhythm.
In addition, it has to be mentioned that in
some cases, rapid weight loss is the only remaining solution; people who suffer
from obesity or weight-related health issues don’t have all the time they would
want to fix their situation… in some cases, this unhealthy procedure can be
used in order to save lives.
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